Residents invited to have their say on a new Local Plan for East Cambridgeshire




East Cambridgeshire District Council is inviting residents, businesses, local landowners, service providers and other organisations to comment on its Preliminary Draft Local Plan.

Once complete, the Local Plan will be used by the Council to determine planning applications, shaping what East Cambridgeshire will be like in the future. We are currently at the first stage in the process, and residents’ views are essential to ensure East Cambridgeshire becomes an even better place to live, work and visit. 

The Preliminary Draft Local Plan sets out the key issues facing East Cambridgeshire. It identifies the number of new jobs and homes needed in the area and proposes a number of draft planning policies relating to a range of matters, including how the Council can support community-led development and how growth should be shared across the District. 

The Council would like to hear residents’ views on these draft planning policies. In addition, residents can also suggest: places which should be prioritised for growth; new sites for the development of housing, employment, retail and other uses; changes to development envelopes and important local green areas which should be protected.

Those wishing to download the Preliminary Draft Local Plan can do so from the Council’s website via /local-development-framework/east-cambridgeshire-local-plan-2015-amended-2023

Alternatively, paper copies of the Preliminary Draft Local Plan are available at local libraries and at East Cambridgeshire District Council, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, CB7 4EE.

Residents can make comments and site suggestions through any of the following channels:

All responses must be received on or before 24 March 2016. Full details are available on the East Cambridgeshire District Council website. Every comment received will be taken into consideration and will help inform the Further Draft Local Plan, which will be published for consultation in late summer 2016.