The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a fixed rate payment that councils can charge on new buildings in their area to off-set the impacts of additional homes and businesses on facilities such as public transport infrastructure, schools, open space and health centres (infrastructure) and to enable sustainable growth. Section 106 legal agreements will be used alongside CIL to secure on-site infrastructure and things that are not infrastructure. The Levy applies to most new buildings and charges are based on the size and type of new floorspace.
The charges are based on type of development, the size, and location within the district, where different CIL rates have been set for different areas of East Cambs; these can be viewed in the Charging Schedule (PDF) which came into force on 1 February 2013 (indexation updated January 2024).
Definition of infrastructure
The definition of ‘infrastructure’ for the purposes of CIL includes:
- Roads and other transport facilities
- Schools and other educational facilities
- Flood defences
- Medical facilities
- Open spaces
- Sports and recreational
The revenue from the levy must be used for supporting the development of an area by 'funding the provision, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure'.
Section 106 agreements and planning conditions also continue to be used for local infrastructure requirements on development sites for things such as site-specific local provision of open space, affordable housing, habitat protection and access roads. Section 106 planning obligations are legally binding agreements entered into by persons with an interest in a piece of land (often a developer) secured by a legal agreement or deed. For large scale major developments (200 units or above), further obligations could apply.
The principle is that all eligible developments must pay towards CIL, as well as any site-specific requirement that is secured through Section 106 Agreements
The council have produced detailed guidance for applicants (PDF) which may answer any queries you may have.
The Council have also produced a users guide for CIL, which will hopefully answer any initial queries you may have regarding the process and what is required during the various stages of the planning process:
Alternatively further information can be found in this section or obtained by contacting or calling the CIL team on (01353) 665555.