If you would like the opportunity to get involved in local decision-making by acting as a sounding board for future policy or service proposals, then why not join the Council's Register of Consultees and give us your views about the decisions we make and the services we provide.
What will this involve
If you would like to act as a consultee, whether as an individual or a group, then your name will be added to the Council's Register of Consultees and you will be allocated a consultee reference number. As changes are proposed to develop the Council's policies or services, the 'nominated officer' will select a number of individuals or groups from the list of consultees who could be affected by, or may have an interest in, the policy/service proposals. The 'nominated officer' will be the Council Officer who will be leading the change proposals. If you are selected, then you will be sent a copy of the proposal (in your preferred format - paper or electronic) together with a covering letter and feedback form. You will then have a set period of time to consider the proposal and to offer your feedback using the form provided.
If you would like the opportunity to join the Council's consultee register, then please complete the online application form below:
Frequently Asked Questions for those on the Consultee Register
What will happen with my comments if I submit a feedback form?
All completed forms will be returned to the Council for consideration as part of the consultation process. By detecting and assessing any adverse impact on a particular group before the policy/strategy/service proposals are implemented, it allows the Council to ensure that different groups are equally served by its policies and services.
Will I be required to submit feedback on every policy/strategy/service proposal that I am sent?
No. Submitting the feedback form will not be compulsory and the Council will not chase you for a response.
Will the Council publish responses to a consultation exercise?
The Council may publish a summary of responses to a particular consultation exercise on the Council's website for public inspection. If this is done, all personal data will be redacted and therefore your individual responses will not be identifiable.
Can I remove myself from the Consultee Register at a later date?
Yes. You can notify the Council, either verbally or in writing, that you no longer wish to act as a consultee and your name will be removed from the Consultee Register database.