The Mobile Homes Act 2013 received Royal Assent on 26 March 2013. This Act aims to improve housing standards, give greater protection to homeowners and provide more effective enforcement action by local authorities regarding licence obligations. The Mobile Homes Act 2013 amends the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 by introducing (amongst other matters) new provisions in relation to local authority powers with effect from 1 April 2014.
These powers are:
- To charge fees for new residential site licences, licence transfers and variations
- To charge an annual fee to existing residential site licence holders
- To refuse a licence (or to refuse to transfer a licence) if necessary
- To serve and enforce ‘compliance notices’ and undertake emergency works together with the power to recover expenses and costs relating to works in default
- For the Local Authority to be the keeper of ‘Site Rules.’ These rules must be deposited with the authority by site operators by the February 2015. The Act allows a small fee to be charged for depositing these rules
The 2013 Act also introduced new laws to address malpractice across the mobile homes sector. For example, it removed opportunities for site operators to block sales and requires them to agree new site rules with park home residents. Many of these provisions are now in force but do not affect local authority powers and duties.
Mobile/Park Homes Licence
Licence Fees
The 2013 Act requires that where a local authority intends to charge fees it must prepare and publish a fee policy, which can be revised from time to time.
The current 2024 fees are as follows:-
Number of Pitches | Cost of New Application | Annual Fee/Admin & Monitoring |
1 to 5 pitches | £244.50 | nil |
6 to 10 pitches | £269.50 | £265.75 |
11 to 20 pitches | £269.50 | £265.75 |
21 to 50 pitches | £290.50 | £265.75 |
51 to 100 pitches | £313.25 | £311.00 |
100 plus pitches | £313.25 | £311.00 |
Cost of Laying Site Rules £32.25
Cost of Variation/Transfer £118.00
Sites that are for holiday use only or are only allowed units stationed on them at certain times of the year are exempt from licensing fees.
- Mobile Home Application,Transfer or Change
- Application for a new site licence or transfer of licence to new owners - download form
- Amendment to conditions application - download form
It is in the public interest that East Cambridgeshire District Council must process your application before it can be authorised. If you have not received a response to your application within a reasonable period, please contact us. You can do this online here if you applied through the UK Welcomes service or use the contact details below:
Domestic Team, Environmental Health, East Cambridgeshire District Council, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, Cambs, CB7 4EE. For accessible documents please email East Cambs District Council Customer Services Team
If you are an applicant or a third party, you should always contact us in the first instance if you have any queries, concerns or cause for complaint preferably in the form of a letter with proof of delivery. If you are not satisfied with the outcome and are located in the UK, Citizens Advice Consumer Service will give you advice. If you are from outside the UK, please contact the UK European Consumer Centre.
Guidance Notes
- Mobile Home/Park Home/Caravan Site Licence Fact Sheet
- Site Operators Guide to Health and Safety
- Site Operators Guide to Caravan Site Licensing
- Small Scale Use of LPG Cylinders Advice Notes
- Park Homes Factsheet
- Park Homes Public Register
- Fire Risk Assessment
- Model Standards for Mobile Home/Park Home/Caravan Parks
- Dept for Communities and Local Government - Know Your Rights - Changes to Your Legal Rights June 2013