Reporting to the Police
In an emergency, call 999 if the offender is still present, you are anyone else is seriously hurt or in danger, or if you think the offender may return.
For non-urgent incidents, report on 101 or online via the Cambridgeshire Constabulary website.
You can also report a hate crime in person by visiting a Police Station.
Visit a third-party reporting centre
If you do not want to talk to the Police, but want to report the crime or incident, you can contact a third-party reporting centre, who can report this to the Police for you.
When reporting through a third-party reporting centre, your details will be kept anonymous. You do not have to have any contact with the Police if you do not want to.
Local help can be found online via the Cambridgeshire Constabulary website, or check with your local Parish Council.
True Vision
True Vision has been developed so that you can report hate crime online - you do not have to visit a Police Station to make a report.
The Police take hate crime very seriously and will record and investigate the offence even if you do not want to give your details. However, you must note that the investigation and ability to prosecute the offender(s) is severely limited if the Police cannot contact you. Most importantly, you cannot get the support you may need.
You may also specify how you want to be contacted and say if contacting you would cause you any difficulties. The Police will not pass on your details without your consent and they urge you to give your details when you report a crime as this will help you to get any support you deserve, and improve their chances of identifying the offender(s).