Sutton Neighbourhood Plan

Important update - Replacement plan approved July 2024

The Replacement Sutton Neighbourhood Plan passed its referendum on 4 July 2024, and was formally made part of the development plan on 25 July 2024. It will therefore now be used for taking decisions on planning applications in the parish.

Further details on the Sutton Neighbourhood Plan are set out below. 

Replacement Sutton Neighbourhood Plan (2024) 

During June and July 2023, Sutton Parish Council launched a consultation in its parish seeking views on a replacement Neighbourhood Plan, which would replace the Sutton Neighbourhood Plan approved in 2019. For details of that consultation exercise, please visit Sutton Parish Council's website (external link)

Following that consultation event, the Parish Council finalised its draft replacement Neighbourhood Plan, and submitted it to East Cambridgeshire District Council on 10 December 2023. Final consultation took place between January and February 2024.  

After the consultation period ended, the Neighbourhood Plan was considered by an independent Examiner, Andrew Ashcroft MRTPI, from February to May 2024, when he then published his Examiner's Report (PDF). In short, he recommended that the Plan proceed to a referendum.  

A referendum took place on 4 July 2024, where the plan was overwhelmingly supported by those who voted. Further details are available on our elections page

On 25 July 2024, at a meeting of the council's Full Council, the Plan was formally made part of the development plan for East Cambridgeshire, and will be used to make decisions on planning applications in the Sutton parish. The 2019 version of the plan has now been removed.

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Replacement Sutton Neighbourhood Plan July 2024


Document title


Sutton Replacement Neighbourhood Plan July 2024 (PDF, 10.6MB)


Sutton Replacement Neighbourhood Plan Reg 19 Decision Statement (PDF, 0.1MB)

Replacement Sutton Neighbourhood Plan: Referendum Version


Document title


Sutton Replacement Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version (PDF)

Replacement Sutton Neighbourhood Plan Document Library Part 1: Submission Documents


Document title


Sutton Replacement Neighbourhood Plan (PDF)


Sutton Replacement Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement (PDF)


Sutton Replacement Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF)


Sutton Replacement Neighbourhood Plan SEA HRA Screening Report (PDF)


Sutton Replacement Neighbourhood Plan SEA HRA Determination Statement (PDF)


Sutton Replacement Neighbourhood Plan Design Code (PDF)


Sutton Replacement Neighbourhood Plan Local Green Space Assessment (PDF)


Sutton Replacement Neighbourhood Plan Housing Needs Assessment (PDF)


Sutton Replacement Neighbourhood Plan Appraisal of Views (PDF)

Replacement Sutton Neighbourhood Plan Document Library Part 2: Notice of Consultation


Document title


Notice of Public Consultation on the Replacement Sutton Neighbourhood Plan (PDF)

Replacement Sutton Neighbourhood Plan Document Library Part 3: Examination Documents


Document title


Confirmation by ECDC of valid submitted Replacement Sutton Neighbourhood Plan (PDF)


Report of the Representations Received on the Sutton Replacement Neighbourhood Plan - February 2024 (PDF)


Sutton Neighbourhood Development Plan Replacement - Examination Arrangements (PDF)


Sutton Neighbourhood Development Plan Replacement - Examiner Request for Clarifications (PDF)


Sutton Parish Council Response to Examiner's Clarification Note (PDF)


Sutton Neighbourhood Development Plan Examiner's Report (PDF)


Regulation 18 Decision Notice to Proceed to Referendum (PDF)

If you require accessible versions of these documents, please email