Some works to protected trees do not need to follow normal procedures; the most common being works to or the removal of dead, dying or dangerous trees.
If a tree is dead or dangerous, you do not need to make a normal application, but you must give us at least five days notice of your proposed works to the tree. This includes the removal of dead branches from living trees. If there is an urgent risk to safety, notice should be given as soon as possible after the work is carried out to make it safe, however the onus is on you to provide evidence to the Council that the tree was, or is in fact dangerous. We strongly recommend that you collect evidence to show that the tree was dangerous (for example, photograph or video the condition of the tree and/or a report from an independent qualified tree specialist) as we may require proof at a later date.
I think my tree is dangerous...what should I do?
If your tree is protected (in a conservation area or subject to a TPO) the following would apply:
Before pruning or cutting down a tree that presents an urgent and serious safety risk or cutting down a dead tree you must give the Council five days written notice before carrying out the works, except in an emergency, when notice should be given as soon as possible after the work is carried out to make it safe. However the onus is on you to provide evidence to the Council that the tree was or is in fact dangerous, we strongly recommend that you collect evidence to show that the tree was dangerous (for example, photographs or video of the condition and/or a report from an independent qualified tree specialist) as we may require proof at a later date.
If you want to cut down a protected dying tree or remove dying branches from a protected tree you should contact the Trees Officers for advice prior to undertaking any works.
Report a damaged or dangerous tree
You can report an emergency tree problem, such as storm damage using our online form:
Ash Dieback Disease known as Hymenoscyphus fraxineus
This disease has been an issue in the UK for a number of years and is caused by a fungus which results in leaf loss and crown dieback, it can ultimately result in the death of affected trees.
The government has introduced a number of measures to help tackle the disease, focusing on:
reducing the rate of spread;
developing resistance to the disease in the mature UK ash tree stock;
encouraging citizen, landowner and industry engagement in surveillance, monitoring and action in tackling the problem;
building resilience in the UK woodland and associated industries.
More information is available on current threats and guidance on the Forestry Commission (external link) website. You can also do your bit to help identify and map the disease in the UK by visiting Ashtag (external link) and downloading their app.