Domestic abuse advice and information

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Domestic abuse is a crime. Always call 999 in an emergency. If you are unable to talk, stay on the line and press 55 when prompted.

If you need this information in a different language:

Domestic abuse is not just physical violence. It is any type of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse from someone you have (or have had) a relationship with, this can include financial, emotional, sexual or psychological abuse.

Abusive behaviour includes acting in a controlling, coercive or threatening manner. Typical actions might include demanding you keep the house in a specific way, taking or restricting access to your money, stopping you seeing your friends and family, or threatening your children or pets.

Approximately one in four women and one in six men are likely to suffer from domestic abuse at some point in their lives, not all victims are women, not all perpetrators are men. Domestic abuse can affect anyone regardless of their age, gender, race, sexuality, wealth or location.

Some people can also be affected indirectly by domestic abuse, for example, children and young people who live in the same house can be traumatised by what they see or hear.

Domestic abuse is a crime and you have the right to be protected from it.

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Housing advice

Our housing advice team drop-in clinics can help you if you are living with domestic abuse.

We can help you prepare to leave and find a refuge, or we can help you secure your home so you can stay there safely.

We can advise on tenancy issues, including occupation orders, joint tenancies and homelessness, and can put you in touch with other organisations (some of which are listed below) that provide support and legal advice.

If you are a tenant of a registered social housing provider (Housing Association), you can also approach your landlord directly for further support and help.

The housing associations in East Cambridgeshire are:

Legal advice

Legal advice is available from:

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Safe spaces

There are doctors' surgeries and businesses in East Cambridgeshire that offer rooms as safe spaces (external link) for victims of domestic violence. Walk into any of the locations and ask to use their safe space, the room will contain all the information you need and provide a sanctuary to make relevant calls.