Take action now!
It's not too late for humans to take action and prevent the worst consequence of climate change. But we need to act now, and we all need to contribute.
You may feel that your actions to help save the planet are just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. And if all 8 billion of us on this planet did just one small positive action today, those 8 billion actions would make a massive difference.
What can I do to help?
For local action and advice, please visit the East Cambridgeshire Climate Action Network (East Cambs CAN) website:
For national advice on what actions you could take, then perhaps take a look at advice offered by the Wildlife Trust, Friends of the Earth or the Climate Change Committee.
For a global look at the issues involved with climate change, the United Nations website has a host of information, including a start with these ten actions! page:
If you are a young person, we have a dedicated Youth Climate Action page on what actions you might want to take.