Wildlife crime and how to report concerns

Protected species

If you have concerns regarding works taking place that could be harming protected species such as bats, great crested newts, badgers, water voles or breeding birds, then first check whether a crime might be taking place via the Rural Crime Action Team at Cambridgeshire Police (external link), and then report it via their dedicated service (external link).

If any works have been approved under a planning permission, the developers may be subject to conditions relating to protected species. As such, if you think harm is occurring, first report it to the Rural Crime Action Team using the above links, and second report it by emailing plservices@eastcambs.gov.uk where we will investigate any breach of planning permission. Please do not report your concerns only to the East Cambridgeshire District Council, because we do not have any significant powers to stop the harm from taking place or for prosecuting those who do the harm.