You can get help to pay for childcare if it is provided by a:
registered childminder, nanny, play scheme, nursery or club
childminder or nanny with a registered childminder agency or childcare agency
registered school
home care worker working for a registered home care agency
This is known as ‘approved childcare’. The rules about how childcare providers become approved are different depending on where you live. You can check if a childcare provider is approved or search for one through Ofsted (external link).
Sign in to your childcare account
If you already get Tax-Free Childcare or 30 hours free childcare:
Childcare at school
You can only get help to pay for care that is outside school hours, for example after school clubs or breakfast clubs. You cannot get help to pay for:
your child’s compulsory education
private lessons during school time (for example, private music lessons during school hours).
Childcare provided by relatives
If you live in England or Scotland
You can only get help to pay for childcare provided by a relative (for example a grandparent) if they are a registered childminder and care for your child outside your home.
You cannot get help for childcare provided by your partner or paid for by the free early education and childcare scheme. If you live in England and get 30 hours free childcare, you can pay the childcare provider using Universal Credit, tax credits or childcare vouchers.
Foster carers
Childcare provided by a foster carer in England only counts if they are registered as a childcare provider (external link).