White Ribbon

The mission of White Ribbon is to prevent male violence against women, by addressing the root causes.

They work with men and boys to challenge those male cultures that lead to harmful attitudes and behaviours around masculinity that continue to cause inequality and violence towards women and girls.

White Ribbon's work is preventative - to stop the violence before it starts.

The council has been White Ribbon accredited since 2018 and continues to support their work, to drive forward initiatives to end violence towards women and girls.

Visit the White Ribbon website (external link) to find out more.

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Domestic abuse

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing domestic abuse there is advice and support we can offer you.

You may feel apprehensive or scared of telling someone about what is happening to you, however, there are many organisations who are specialists in helping with domestic abuse and who will be sensitive and understanding. They will be able to help you to stop abuse from continuing to happen.

More information is available on our domestic abuse support webpage.

Cambridgeshire Constabulary's website also has advice about domestic abuse (external link) including explaining what can be domestic abuse, how to report it and details of organisations who can help.