Pre-application fees for a major development

A major development is any application with provision of 10 dwellings or more, a site area of over 0.5 hectare and the number of dwellings unknown or provision of 1000-9999 square meres of floor space for other uses. 

This application offers comprehensive advice that may require the input of a number of officers. It is sometimes not necessary to hold a meeting or to carry out a site visit and attendance at a site visit or a meeting will be at the discretion of the Council; there will not be an
additional fee for the initial site visit.

The fee includes 15 hours of officer (including specialists) time and any additional time will be billed as per the schedule.

The response will consist of a written and where appropriate verbal feedback at a meeting prior to the issuance of the response.

The same fee will apply for requests for pre-application advice on reserved matters details.

Fee typeFeeCase officer hours
10–40 (inclusive) residential units£2000Maximum of 15 hours
41-99 (inclusive) residential units£4000Maximum of 15 hours
Residential development (where the proposed number of units is not specified), with a site area of 0.5 hectares or more and less than four hectares£2000Maximum of 15 hours
Provision of 1,000 - 9,999 square metres of floor space for other uses e.g. equestrian/ retail/commercial/industrial/ mixed development£2000Maximum of 15 hours
An hour of additional officer (including specialist) time (to be agreed and paid in advance)£751 hour
Any subsequent response to further amendments£250N/A
Any subsequent meeting£500N/A