Warm Hubs operated throughout East Cambridgeshire during the winter months of 2022/23, with the first Hubs opening their doors in October 2022.
Warm Hubs are friendly and inclusive places for all members of the community, offering not just warmth but a place to enjoy the company of others.
Offering light refreshments, the Hubs provided residents with somewhere to socialise, take part in activities, receive advice on how to reduce bills, access financial support, as well as stay healthy and well, with opportunities for a range of visiting organisations including the District Council, Think Communities and healthcare providers.
Hubs are operated by trained volunteers from within the local communities, who are uniquely placed to understand the needs of local people.
During Spring 2023 Community Hubs launched from the Warm Hubs initiative to continue offering support for residents in East Cambridgeshire.
The success and benefits of the Warm Hubs has been evaluated, you can read the full report on Cambridgeshire ACRE's website.