
If your development includes demolition, it is now likely that planning permission will be required. Approval for the demolition of most buildings can be achieved by either applying for demolition as part of a planning application or applying for a 'prior notification' where no redevelopment is proposed.


Demolition is exempt from the need to seek prior approval when:

  • The works are urgently necessary in the interests of health and safety (the developer is required to give written justification as soon as is reasonably practicable after demolition)
  • Planning permission has been granted for the redevelopment of the site
  • Demolition is required or permitted by or under any enactment, for example if required by an Enforcement Notice
  • Demolition is required to be carried out by a relevant obligation (i.e.. Section 106 agreement)
  • The building has a volume of less than 50 cubic metres (when measured externally) 

The Local Planning Authority has produced these easy guides to help you establish when permission is required for demolition.

If applying for Prior Approval for Demolition under Part 11 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015, the applicant will need to display a site notice at the demolition site prior to the application being made.  A copy of the site notice is available here: Demolition site notice (PDF)