Landlords from East Cambridgeshire are being invited to a free information event to find out how to prepare for upcoming changes to Awaab’s Law and effectively tackle damp and mould in their rented properties.
Members of the Armed Forces Community including current serving, veterans and spouses joined staff in the Council Chamber at East Cambridgeshire District Council to witness the signing of the council’s own Armed Forces Covenant.
Residents looking to apply to the housing register in East Cambridgeshire are soon to benefit from a one-stop-shop when it comes to discussing their housing needs - and finding a suitable property.
Specialist Warm Hubs will be operated from community buildings across East Cambridgeshire to support vulnerable and isolated people, as well as those on lower incomes this winter.
East Cambridgeshire District Council has confirmed there is enough land available on which to meet the district’s housing development requirements for the next seven years.
East Cambridgeshire District Council has submitted a £6.3 million Levelling Up Fund bid designed to help Littleport’s growing population live, work and thrive sustainably in the town.
Community groups are being urged to apply for grants of up to £1000 being offered by East Cambridgeshire District Council. The money can be spent on new or existing projects designed to improve the quality of life for residents.