Members of the Armed Forces Community including current serving, veterans and spouses joined staff in the Council Chamber at East Cambridgeshire District Council to witness the signing of the council’s own Armed Forces Covenant.
Following the announcement by Secretary of State Ed Miliband to grant permission for the Sunnica solar farm, East Cambridgeshire District Council has taken independent legal advice to understand the chances of success of a Judicial Review of the decision-making process.
Landlords, property owners, businesses and community groups in Ely are being given the opportunity to apply for up to £20,000 worth of funding to improve the front of buildings or the general appearance of the city centre.
The Leader of East Cambridgeshire District Council has expressed her extreme disappointment following today’s news the Sunnica solar farm has received approval from the Secretary of State.
An East Cambridgeshire taxi driver has had his licence to drive a taxi revoked on appeal after four incidents, which included narrowly missing a pedestrian and her dog.