Council offers safe space to report hate crime

Council offers safe space to report hate crime

East Cambridgeshire District Council has become the latest Third Party Hate Crime Reporting Centre (TPRC) in East Cambridgeshire.

A hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim, or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a personal characteristic, specifically actual or perceived race, religion/faith, sexual orientation, disability and transgender identity.

Some people may not feel able to report these crimes directly to the police but a third party reporting centre can overcome these barriers by providing an alternative way to report a hate crime. 

Tiff Lane, Action Against Hate co-ordinator, Cambridgeshire Constabulary explains: “There may be many reasons for someone to not report this kind of crime. Our hope is that victims of hate can have their voices heard and hate crimes are reported, so that we can properly understand, investigate and manage the issues our communities face.”

Staff at a third party centre can give confidential advice, help a person report the crime, and support the person along the way. The person can remain anonymous if they wish, and they don’t need to have contact with the police if they don’t want to.
Lis Every, Chair of the East Cambridgeshire Community Safety Partnership adds: “Hate crime has no place in a modern society and offering alternative ways to report these crimes is invaluable in helping the police to tackle the issues.

“The reasons for someone not wanting to report a hate crime can be varied and complicated, with these crimes taking an immense toll on the individual and in some instances the whole community. We welcome the news the council can now act as a third party reporting centre to support anyone reporting a hate crime.”

People can also seek help for hate crimes from trained advisors at Littleport Town Council, Sutton Parish Council, Fordham Parish Council, The Kite Trust and The Lighthouse in Ely. 

The council offices are open Monday to Thursday, 8.45am to 5pm and Friday, 8.45am to 4.30pm. You can also call the council on 01353 665555.

Hate crimes can be reported to Stop Hate, True Vision or Cambridgeshire Police

Anyone interested in finding out more about becoming a HCRC or hate crime training should contact