After your planning application is received What to do after your planning application has been received. Invalid applications Information on invalid applications and common reasons why applications are invalid. Consultations and site visits Information on how we consult, neighbour notifications, statutory consultees and site visits. Negotiation protocol Once your application has progressed past the validation stage, the case officer will begin assessing your application. Material planning considerations When officers are considering planning applications, only certain issues can be taken into account, these are known as material planning considerations. Planning committees Information on planning committees, when they are held and what happens. Granted or refused - next steps Guidance on your next steps after your application has been granted or refused. Planning conditions Information and guidance on planning conditions. Making changes to approved applications How to make changes to approved applications. Planning appeals Information on current appeal hearings, previous appeal hearings and how to appeal.
After your planning application is received What to do after your planning application has been received.
Invalid applications Information on invalid applications and common reasons why applications are invalid.
Consultations and site visits Information on how we consult, neighbour notifications, statutory consultees and site visits.
Negotiation protocol Once your application has progressed past the validation stage, the case officer will begin assessing your application.
Material planning considerations When officers are considering planning applications, only certain issues can be taken into account, these are known as material planning considerations.
Granted or refused - next steps Guidance on your next steps after your application has been granted or refused.