After planning permission has been granted, it is not uncommon for applicants to want or need to make changes to the approved plans. These changes may arise from technical difficulties, for example restrictions imposed by Building Control or problems with construction details, or simply because the applicant has changed their mind about a specific element of the proposal.
There are a number of ways you can apply to make changes to an approved application.
Minor amendments (non-material amendments)
These are very small changes that would not significantly alter the character of the development and they should not make the development less acceptable.
Non-material amendments are dependent on the context of the overall scheme, an amendment that is non-material in one context may be material in another.
It should be noted that non-material amendments cannot be used to make amendments to Listed Building consents. This procedure only be applied to planning permissions.
Depending on the scale of the changes, it may be possible to make a non-material amendment or a minor amendment to the approved plans submitted via a variation of condition application.
Other changes
There are a number of alterations that cannot be regarded as non-material amendments:
- new uses
- changes to the number of units being provided
- an increase in floor space
- significant changes in design
These types of changes can be applied for either through the submission of a new planning application or through the submission of a variation of condition application to vary the approved plans via the Planning Portal.