Contact the planning team
Our planning team is responsible for activities relating to planning, ranging from providing pre-application advice, registering new planning applications to enforcing unauthorised works.
Our aim is to manage the future development of the district to promote growth, while conserving the natural and historic environment, helping to shape the sustainable places people want to live and work in.
Pre-application advice service
Before you submit a planning application, or if you are unsure if you need planning permission, we strongly recommend that you use our pre-application advice service.
General planning enquiries
We offer a general planning enquiries service, which is open for calls:
8:45am to 4pm Monday – Friday
Call us
You can call directly on 01353 665555.
If the officer is unable to answer your call, you will be diverted to the main switchboard where you can leave your details and someone will call you back.
Visit us in person
Our duty planning officer can offer face-to-face, general advice, but cannot provide detailed site specific advice for development proposals.
For all other enquiries please use 01353 665555, or contact us using our online enquiry form.
Address: Planning Department, East Cambridgeshire District Council, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, Cambs, CB7 4EE
Our corporate commitment
When you contact us, we will:
- aim to answer your enquiry at the first point of contact
- ensure that we use plain language and have properly trained staff to answer your enquiry
- be honest, available, accessible, approachable and polite
- make sure that the information we provide is accurate and up to date
- treat all customers equally and with respect
- arrange for translation on request if English is not your first language
- arrange for large type, translation into braille or audio files on request
- make information accessible to all
If you telephone us, you will always be able to speak to a member of the planning team.
If you send a letter or email to us that does not relate to a live application, our corporate aim is to reply by letter within 3 working days or by email within 2 working days unless advised otherwise.