Apply for pre-application advice
Before you submit a planning application, or if you are unsure if you need planning permission, we strongly recommend that you use our pre-application advice service.
The purposes of pre-application advice is to guide you through the issues and policies relevant to your proposed development and to give an indication of whether a scheme is likely to be successful.
It also provides an opportunity to confirm what supporting information will be required alongside any planning application submitted.
This can include:
- clarifying which policies will apply to your development
- advising you to ensure you consider all the issues relating to your development in advance of applying for planning permission
- advising you if the principle of the development is unacceptable, therefore saving you the cost of a full planning application. This should speed up the process of determining your application and reduce the amount of time taken by professional consultants, which can save you costs
- a free plan checking service for householder enquiries. This is to make sure your application is complete and therefore avoids delays in the registration process. Please tick the box on the application form indicating you would like to use the plan checking service
This service does attract a fee, although there are some exemptions.
Gather together relevant documentation
When submitting a request for pre-application advice it is helpful if you can include the following information:
- site location plan identifying the property or land
- details of the current use and occupancy of the site
- photographs
- explanation of the proposal
- sketch drawings of the proposal
- a draft design and access statement (if needed)
- copies of any consultation responses, for example if you have you spoken to your neighbours, the Highways Agency or the Environment Agency
- other supporting information (please give details)
What happens after you request pre-application advice
You will receive a letter acknowledging receipt of your application and the contact details of the officer dealing with your enquiry.
If you have paid for written advice, we aim to reply to your request within 20 working days from the date of your acknowledgement letter.
Where you have requested a meeting, we will aim to contact you within 5 working days from the date of your acknowledgement letter to arrange a suitable date and time for the meeting.
Please note all meetings will take place at the council offices in Ely or alternatively can be held via Zoom or Teams. Please discuss with your case officer.
Plan checking service
If you have applied for permission to develop or extend an existing household dwelling this includes the option of a free follow-up plan checking service.
This can be used anytime within 12 months of the original pre-application response and allows you to check the application and supporting documents are correctly completed and all in place before submitting your application.
When you are ready to submit your application, please contact us on 01353 665555 to book an appointment.
This service is only available if you have applied for householder pre-application advice and cannot be booked as a separate service.
Getting advice from other agencies
For larger and more complex proposals it is often advisable to get specific advice from other agencies, for example County Highways or the Environment Agency.
If you wish to consult other bodies as part of the pre-application process, please speak to the case officer allocated to your application and they will be happy to try and facilitate a joint meeting.
Advice following a refusal
If a planning application has been refused the planning officer responsible for determining the application will be able to explain policies and give advice on the wording and meaning of refusal reasons.
If you wish to redesign a scheme and seek advice on whether it is likely to overcome the reasons for refusal, this should be done through the pre-application advice process.
Limitations on advice given
There is a balance between the help and advice that can be given by officers, and the need for the applicant to understand the planning process and the relevant local and national planning policies.
The planning team cannot act on behalf of an applicant, nor produce or design schemes for them.
However, we can provide detailed feedback on schemes presented to us.
Any advice given by officers during pre-application discussions does not constitute a formal decision by the council in respect of any future planning applications. It cannot bind the council in its validation or formal determination of a subsequent planning application.