Driver licences - how to apply
It is now possible to apply online for new and renewal driver licence applications via the council's self service portal.
Joint Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver's Licence Grant or Renewal Application
Private Hire Driver's Licence Grant or Renewal Application
Or you can download and complete the application form and return it to us. Paper based application forms and payment can be submitted through the post, or at the customer services desk in the council offices.
Before completing your application, your attention is drawn to our privacy and data retention policy.
Licensing policy
Licence renewals
Existing licensed drivers who wish to renew their licence must do so by the expiry date of their existing licence. The Licensing Authority will notify licence holders one month prior to the expiry date of their licence, but the ultimate responsibility for submitting a renewal application remains that of the licence holder.
Renewal applications will only need to be supported by the holders DVLA driving licence, a passport style photo (JPG's accepted), and those documents that have expired, or are due to expire during the application period. Failure to renew by the expiry date will result in the licence expiring. In such cases, a new application will need to be submitted, and the applicant will need to comply with the requirements of a new application in force at that time.