The council offers Private Hire only and Joint Hackney Carriage and Private Hire driver licences. Once issued they remain valid for a period of one or three years, unless they are surrendered or revoked during this period.
Before the Licensing Authority can grant a driving licence it must be satisfied that the applicant is a "Fit and Proper" person, and that the applicant has held a UK or EU driving licence for at least 12 months. The Authority also ensures that applicants are medically fit, have a suitable knowledge of the district (Joint licences only) and applicable laws, and are able to understand basic English language, and the needs of mentally and physically impaired members of the public who may rely on the service they will provide.
In order to assist the Licensing Authority to determine the above, an applicant is required to submit the following documentation in addition to the prescribed application form, and the applicable fee:
- a current full driving licence (minimum of 12 months authorisation to drive required) registered with the DVLA.
- proof of right to work in the UK (see Immigration Act 2016 section below)
- an enhanced DBS certificate (no older than three months at the time the application is validated) or a DBS update service certificate stating "child and adult workforce" or "other workforce" taxi driver
- a Group II medical certificate (no older than three months at the time the application is validated)
- a completed DVLA e-consent* (invite provided by officers upon receipt of an application)
- a passport style colour photo which must reflect your current image. (can be provided by email as a JPG file)
- a Blue Lamp Trust or Greenpenny enhanced driving assessment pass certificate (no older than twelve months at the time of application)**
- a local knowledge test pass certificate, arranged through the council
- certificate of good conduct from your own embassy if you have not lived in the UK continuously for the previous five years
- a nine digit tax code, or a declaration that you are registered for tax (see 'Tax Conditionality' information under 'Further Information' below)
* An email address is required if you wish to complete the e-consent process.
** Older certificates will be accepted where an applicant has held a taxi driver licence with another licensing authority within the 12 month period prior to submitting an application to the council.
An application for a Joint Hackney Carriage & Private Hire driver licence will only be considered valid once all the above items have been received. An application for a Private Hire only driver licence will be considered valid provided all items except 7 & 8 have been received. All successful Private Hire driver licence applicants are given a grace period of six months to provide these two required documents. Failure to provide the two documents will result in the suspension of the licence until they are provided. The Licensing Authority can only determine valid applications, and will aim to determine a valid application within ten working days of receipt of a valid application. If a Licensing Sub-Committee is required to determine an application this period may increase to 28 days.