Benefits advice If you are on a low income, you could be entitled to Housing Benefit, Universal Credit and support for your Council Tax. Housing Benefit Find out about Housing Benefit, what it pays for, where you can get help and how to apply. You can also report a change in your circumstances. Universal Credit Find out about Universal Credit, what it pays for, where you can get help and how to apply. You can also report a change in your circumstances. Benefit cap Information on the benefit cap and who it applies to. Money and debt Advice on debt, making money go further, discretionary housing payments and cost of living support. Useful organisations for people on benefits This page includes a list of useful organisations for those claiming benefits.
Benefits advice If you are on a low income, you could be entitled to Housing Benefit, Universal Credit and support for your Council Tax.
Housing Benefit Find out about Housing Benefit, what it pays for, where you can get help and how to apply. You can also report a change in your circumstances.
Universal Credit Find out about Universal Credit, what it pays for, where you can get help and how to apply. You can also report a change in your circumstances.
Money and debt Advice on debt, making money go further, discretionary housing payments and cost of living support.
Useful organisations for people on benefits This page includes a list of useful organisations for those claiming benefits.