Going for a walk gives us the feel-good factor. Even at a gentle pace, walking can help prevent diseases. We’re happier, healthier, and likely to live longer when we spend time in green (and blue) spaces – it’s proven. And so powerful that GPs are prescribing it.
Here in East Cambs we offer a variety of free weekly, fortnightly and monthly walks as part of our Ramblers Wellbeing Walks programme. All our walks are led by local volunteers and are friendly and welcoming. The aim is for all walks to be as accessible as possible. The best way to find out what to expect is to read the description of the walk on the website. Alternatively get in touch via healthyyou@eastcambs.gov.uk for more information.
Volunteer walk leaders
If you love walking and have some time to spare, why not join our team of volunteer walk leaders. Full training and ongoing support offered.