Every year the district council is responsible for overseeing the funding on a large number of community projects. You can find out more about the projects we fund in our grants and community projects section of the website.
These are all designed to improve the quality of life of people living in East Cambridgeshire.
Section 106 funding for community facilities
Developer contributions, also known as 'Section 106 contributions', are paid to the council by developers to help fund the cost of new community and social infrastructure needed when new housing developments are built.
They can fund capital projects such as community centres or village halls, sports and leisure centres, play facilities and public open spaces.
Section 106 funding for community facilities.
Community fund
Every year we give community groups the opportunity to apply for grants of up to £1000.
The money can be spent on new or existing projects designed to improve the quality of life for residents in East Cambridgeshire.
Facilities Improvement grant
The Facilities Improvement grant is for capital expenditure only, up to a maximum of £10,000.
The money can be spent on a range of initiatives such as improving or building village halls, community centres, sport and leisure centres, play facilities and public open spaces.
Business grants
If you run a business please see our business grants page for more information.
External grant funding
My Community is a helpful website which brings you the latest tools, tips and ideas to help make your community a brilliant place to live.
It includes lots of information on how to fund grants and tips to improve your chances of getting one.
Community Infrastructure Levy
Developer contributions, also known as 'Community Infrastructure Levy’ (CIL), are paid to the council by developers to help fund the cost of the infrastructure needed when new housing developments are built.
They can fund capital projects such as schools, leisure centres, highways improvements and health facilities.
Environment grants and funding
For details of grants and funding available to support community projects that benefit the environment visit our Climate Change and nature section.