Equality impact assessments
As part of any effective policy development process, it is important to consider any potential risks to those who will be affected by the policy's aims or by its implementation. The Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) process helps us to assess the implications of our decisions on the whole community, to eliminate discrimination, tackle inequality, develop a better understanding of the community we service, target resources efficiently, an adhere to the transparency and accountability element of the Public Sector Equality Duty.
The word 'policy' in this context includes the different things that we do. It includes any policy, procedure or practice, both in employment and service delivery.
Guidance for our officers
A checklist has been developed for our officers to guide them through the impact assessment process. In the first instance, the officer would complete an Initial Screening Template to scope the impact and decide whether a full EIA is required. If this identified the need for a full EIA, then the officer would complete the detailed EIA template.
Our committee report template makes reference to EIAs. If a new or revised policy is being presented to committee, the officer should use the committee report template to indicate if an impact assessment has or has not been completed. If an impact assessment has been completed, then a copy should be attached to the committee report. If the impact assessment identifies barriers, the officer's report should make reference to the main findings and any proposed actions so this can inform decision-making.
Quality assuring our impact assessments
Senior officers are responsible for reviewing and signing off completed impact assessments relevant to their service area.
Publishing completed impact assessments
We are committed to publishing the results of our impact assessments. View our current completed and approved impact assessments.