We are committed to ensuring that public spaces and highways are kept free from litter. Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, local authorities have a statutory duty to provide clean streets, footways and open spaces that are in public ownership.
Please see our Love Your Street campaign with information on how you can get involved.
Street cleansing
All towns and villages are divided up into “zones” with the busiest being cleaned more regularly.
Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste, find out more on our fly-tipping webpages. Remember the following:
- do not touch the waste - it may cause injury or be a hazardous material
- do not disturb the site, it is a potential crime scene - there may be evidence that could help to identify the fly-tippers and lead to a prosecution
- do not approach anyone you see fly-tipping - protect yourself first
Fly-tipping will normally be removed from town centres/shopping streets by the end of the next working day and other areas within three working days. If you would like to report a shopping trolley as fly-tipping, please contact the shop where the trolley has originally come from. The shop will then arrange collection of the shopping trolley.
If you notice litter which affects the road or pathway, please report this to us.
If you notice spillages which affects the road or pathway, please report this to us.
Report a waste collection spillage
For further information, please see our Environmental Crime Enforcement Policy:
Fuel spillage and mud from farming vehicles will usually be the responsibility of the police or Highways Authority.
ECSS will remove offensive graffiti from private property, free of charge, with the landowner’s permission and aim to remove it within 48 hours.
Full litter or dog waste bin
Report a full litter or dog waste bin
Every effort is made to empty litter and dog waste bins on a regular basis. However, if you see any over-flowing litter or dog waste bins, please report on our online form.
A fixed penalty of £150 can be issued to anyone committing an offence of depositing litter (including cigarette ends and chewing gum) under section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. A fixed penalty of £100 may be served on anyone allowing their dog to foul.
Report dog fouling for removal
Needles and drug litter
It is very important that you contact us immediately if you find drug related litter. You can call 01353 665555, during normal office hours, or 0845 456 4564 (Cambridgeshire Constabulary) out of hours.
We also offer an online drug paraphernalia report form, but please note that this will only be picked up within normal office hours.
Collection of dead animals
Report a dead animal on the highway
We can only remove a dead animal from the public highway and not on private land. The landowner is responsible for the removal of animals from private land.
Mud on the roads
Mud on A-roads need to be reported to the Police. Please visit Cambridgeshire Constabulary to submit an online report.
Any instances where mud has been taken onto B-roads, please contact Cambridgeshire Highways to report a fault or call 0345 0455 212.
Vehicle operators, contractors and farmers who deposit mud on the road are potentially liable for a range of offences. This guidance is not a complete statement of the law or of your responsibilities and possible liabilities.
Concerns relating to health and safety aspects of farms and road traffic would fall under the Health and Safety Executive.