Groups encouraged to apply for community grant

Groups encouraged to apply for community grant

Community groups are being urged to apply for grants of up to £1000 being offered by East Cambridgeshire District Council. The money can be spent on new or existing projects designed to improve the quality of life for residents.

The Baby Bank at Fordham which was established three years ago to collect baby goods to distribute to those in need, was recently successful in applying for a grant.

Cilla Palmer, who organises the outreach project, said:

“We are very grateful to the council for its Community Grant Fund donation. On average 200 people a month use the Baby Bank and we are seeing demand for our services soar".

“We are fortunate in that we receive many donations of clothes and equipment, but milk and nappies are hard to come by and this grant has helped us to increase our stock at a time when parents need help the most.”

Paula Budnik and her four month old daughter Daisy, who live in Soham, added:

“I regularly attend the Baby Bank as it is a great place to meet people and pick up equipment and clothes which all babies grow out of so quickly."

“I am fortunate in that I have not needed the nappies or the milk but I think it is great they are here and available for people who really need them.”

Councillor Julia Huffer, Chair of the Operational Services Committee, said:

“This grant is a fantastic opportunity for all community groups across the East Cambridgeshire district."

“The COVID pandemic followed by the recent cost of living crisis has seen many community groups step up to provide extra help for local residents."

“This grant could be the boost they need to launch a new project or inject cash into an existing initiative.”

The East Cambridgeshire Community Fund will be open to applications between 19 August and 30 September 2022.

Applying for this grant is simple. Information about the grant including eligibility criteria and application guidance can be found on the Community Fund webpages.

For more information about the Baby Bank visit Ely Baby Bank Facebook page.