Cambridgeshire's Local Heritage List
Buildings of local interest are buildings or structures that are considered to contribute to or help define the character of an area.
They can also be significant to the historical or architectural development of our towns and villages.
Many of the properties date from the 19th or 20th century and include churches, war memorials, houses and infrastructure.
The aim of the register is to identify and safeguard buildings or structures that are important to our local communities and to ensure that any repairs, alterations or extensions are sympathetic to their character.
Buildings of local interest have no statutory protection in legislation but are recognised in the National Planning Policy Framework as non-designated heritage assets and must therefore be considered in the planning process.
The register is included under policy ENV13 of the Local Plan 2015 and having been subject to public consultation is a material planning consideration when determining applications.
Please note there are no additional planning restrictions on properties included on the register, other than those already required under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015.