Witchford Neighbourhood Plan

Latest update: 29 January 2025 consultation closed

Witchford parish council are seeking to add a new 'climate change' chapter to its existing neighbourhood plan which was adopted in 2020. Views were sought on that new chapter until 14 January 2025. A summary of representations received is available on this page. An Examiner will be appointed shortly to consider the representations received and other matters.

Adopted Witchford Neighbourhood Plan 2020 

The Witchford Neighbourhood Plan was formally made, or sometimes referred to as adopted, by East Cambridgeshire District Council on 21 May 2020, following a successful referendum on 19 March 2020. A copy of the Witchford Neighbourhood Plan (2020) is available to download on this page.

Witchford Landscape Appraisal, this document is particularly relevant to the implementation of Policy WNP LC1 of the plan. 

Other documents referred to in the Witchford Neighbourhood Plan (2020) are available on request.

Modification proposal for the Witchford Neighbourhood Plan 

Witchford parish council has decided it would like the existing Witchford Neighbourhood Plan to be modified, so that it introduces a new chapter relating to climate change. The new chapter will include five new policies.

The rest of the existing plan is proposed to be largely unchanged other than updating some of the introductory text.

Consultation took place on the modifications proposed between 27 November 2024 and 14 January 2025. Eight representations were received and can be found in the Witchord Neighbourhood Plan representations received document on this page.

Now the consultation period has ended, the modification proposal and other supporting material, together with the representations received, will be considered by an independent examiner. Further details on the examiner, once appointed and the examination process will be made available in due course.

Submission and consultation documents

This webpage will be updated as the examination period progresses, potentially leading to a referendum at some point in 2025.

If you require any accessible documents please email planningpolicy@eastcambs.gov.uk