Our tree management

We plant new trees and take care of them by watering and pruning as they develop. When necessary, we carry out essential maintenance and remove any dead or dying trees.

We conduct regular inspections of our trees to ensure they remain healthy and safe. We collect data on our trees using the Ezytreev™ tree management software. Any work highlighted during these inspections will be carried out by our fully qualified and experienced in-house arboricultural team.

Our ongoing tree maintenance will typically include but is not restricted to:

  • removal of basal/epicormic growth, typically to 2.5 metres from ground level
  • crown lifting over footpaths to 2.4 metres from ground level 
  • crown lifting over roads to 3.5 - 5 metres from ground level
  • pruning to clear buildings by approximately 1 to 2 metres
  • the removal of major deadwood and snapped/broken branches
  • pruning to clear telephone wires so they are not disrupted
  • other work necessary to alleviate health and safety concerns

We cannot guarantee the clearances will be maintained at all times as the trees will grow back. 

Our pruning methods are based on the best arboricultural practice. The overall size of a tree's crown will only be reduced if necessary to meet our maintenance standards or to address structural issues identified during a tree inspection.

Trees typically do not need pruning to stay healthy. In many instances, excessive pruning can lead to issues such as early decline or excessive regrowth, which may require more intensive maintenance. 

Tree planting and watering

We always aim to plant replacement trees where a tree has had to be removed, and if suitable we may plant more than one replacement. Planting is done over winter months (November to the end of March) as this is the best planting time.

We water our newly planted trees for a minimum of a year, but depending on weather conditions a young tree may need watering for the first 3 years. You can help ensure healthy trees for the future over the summer months by watering any young trees near you. Watering is best done early morning or in the evening, especially during hot dry periods.

How you can help young trees survive

Contact us for further information about our tree management.