Historic parks and gardens

Established in 1983 the ‘Register of Historic Parks and Gardens of special historic interest in England’ currently includes over 1,600 sites considered to be of national significance. You can search for details on registered historic parks and gardens through the National Heritage list for England.

These are a fragile resource that can be easily damaged or lost entirely. Such places often have strong local connections and form part of local communities.

The majority of sites featured on the register were originally the formal landscapes associated with large private houses; however it is not uncommon to find public parks and cemeteries on the list. Sites that appear on the list are given grades to provide additional guidance on their significance. The most common grade is Grade II, meaning the site is of a high level of interest, these account for 64% of the register. Approximately 27% are considered to be of exceptional interest, Grade II* and the remaining 9% are classed as being of international significance, Grade I.

Historic parks and gardens in East Cambridgeshire 

There are four designated historic parks and gardens of varied grades in East Cambridgeshire. The council has also identified six historic landscapes that it deems to be of local interest.

Please note: These sites are not open to the public unless advertised by the owners as being so.

More details of sites throughout the UK can be obtained from the Garden History Society.

Works affecting historic parks and gardens 

Inclusion on the register is a material consideration in the planning process, requiring Local Planning Authorities to consider the impact of any proposed development on the significance of the landscape. If an application is received that will affect a Grade I or II* registered site, the Local Planning Authority must consult with English Heritage on the proposals. The Garden History Society must be consulted on all applications affecting registered sites, regardless of their grading.

Many small-scale alterations will often not require planning permission. However, some sites are more vulnerable to cumulative change and care should be taken when proposing any alterations.

English Heritage can provide further guidance on issues relating to the care and conservation of historic parks and gardens.