Season tickets
Charges for season tickets are:
Quarterly (13 weeks): £193.00
Annual: £675.00
Charges (pay and display)
£4.00 per day (24 hours)
£8.00 for 2 days (48 hours)
£12.00 for 3 days (72 hours)
£16.00 per week (7 days)
Charges apply every day including Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
Ticket machine payment
Ticket machines will accept cash in both car parks (no change given). Contactless payment with card can be made in Angel Drove car park.
Phone and Pay cashless parking
Angel Drove Location No: 2700
The Dock Location No: 2701
By phone:
To pay and register call 01480 270636. You need to call this number from the mobile you wish to register. If the caller ID is hidden or if you use a landline you will not be able to register.
Extra transaction charges apply when you Phone and Pay - 8p for the initial parking/ 10p for optional text messages. Please see their Terms and Conditions for details Phone and Pay website (external link)
You can also create an account online on the Phone and Pay's website.
By app:
You can download the Phone and Pay app to register and pay for parking
Registered users can request a parking session via SMS: text 07786 207708
Text Location No, parking time in days and payment card 3 digit security code
If you are running late and need more time, you can extend your parking via phone, app or SMS