Paul Barrow, of Paul Barrow Builders from Pymoor, near Ely has received national recognition for his work by being named the winner of the Best Residential and Small Commercial Builder at the recent LABC Building Excellence Awards.
Residents of state pension age in East Cambridgeshire are being urged to apply now for Pension Credit to be in with a chance of qualifying for this year's winter fuel payment.
Landlords, property owners, businesses and community groups in Ely are being given the opportunity to apply for up to £20,000 worth of funding to improve the front of buildings or the general appearance of the city centre.
Residents in the Ely and East Cambridgeshire constituency are being encouraged to remember their photo ID when they go to vote in the general election on Thursday.
Anyone who does not already have an accepted form of ID for the upcoming UK Parliament General Election is encouraged to apply now for a free voter ID.