Bulb planting, bat boxes, pond creation and bramble clearing are just some of the projects that could receive funding as part of a new Pride of Place initiative.
Three fabulous poems by young people in East Cambridgeshire have been selected to help East Cambridgeshire District Council celebrate King Charles III’s Coronation.
Landlords, property owners, businesses and community groups in Littleport and Soham are being given the opportunity to apply for up to £20,000 worth of funding to improve the front of buildings or the general appearance of the town centres.
Community groups are being urged to apply for grants of up to £1000 being offered by East Cambridgeshire District Council. The money can be spent on new or existing projects designed to improve the quality of life for residents.
Landlords, property owners, businesses and community groups are being given the opportunity to apply for up to £20,000 worth of funding to improve the front of buildings or the general appearance of Ely city centre.
East Cambridgeshire District Council has submitted a £6.3 million Levelling Up Fund bid designed to help Littleport’s growing population live, work and thrive sustainably in the town.
Community groups are being urged to apply for grants of up to £1000 being offered by East Cambridgeshire District Council. The money can be spent on new or existing projects designed to improve the quality of life for residents.