Statement of Licensing Policy
Every five years we are required to consult and publish a Statement of Licensing Policy relating to how we carry out our functions under the Licensing Act 2003:
Licensing Enforcement Policy
Statement of Principles: Gambling Act 2005
At least every three years we are required to consult and publish a Statement of Principles relating to how we carry out our functions under the Gambling Act 2005:
Statement of Licensing Policy: Animal Welfare Regulations 2018
Statement of Licensing Policy: Charity collections
Statement of Licensing Policy: Hackney Carriage and Private Hire
Statement of Licensing Policy: Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013
Statement of Licensing Policy: Street Trading
Statement of Licensing Policy: Sex Establishments
Privacy notice and data retention policy
In fulfilling our statutory duties we handle large amounts of personal data and, to a lesser extent, sensitive personal data: