If you have a business that involves animals you may need a licence.
The Animal Welfare Regulations came 2018, came into effect on 1 October 2018, they introduced a new licensing system in England for the following activities involving animals:
Selling animals as pets
Selling animals as pets (or with a view to their being later resold as pets) in the course of a business including keeping animals in the course of a business with a view to their being so sold or resold.
Providing for, or arranging for the provision of boarding for cats or dogs
Providing or arranging for the provision of accommodation for other people’s cats or dogs in the course of a business on any premises where the provision of that accommodation is a purpose of the business by:
- providing boarding for cats;
- providing boarding in kennels for dogs
- providing home boarding for dogs
- providing day care for dogs
Hiring out horses for riding or instruction in riding
Hiring out horses in the course of a business for either riding, instruction in riding, or both.
Dog breeding
Breeding three or more litters of puppies in any 12-month period; or breeding dogs and advertising a business of selling dogs
Keeping or training animals for exhibition
Keeping or training animals for exhibition in the course of a business for educational or entertainment purposes, either to any audience attending in person, or by the recording of visual images of them by any form of technology, or both
The 2018 Regulation has also introduced the following:
- a one licence system, whereby each of the activities underlined above is considered to be a licensable activity, and an operator may apply for multiple licensable activities on the one licence.
- a new "Star Rating" scheme, ranging from one to five stars, assessed according to risk and welfare standards at the premises.
- licence periods of up to three years, linked to the star rating given to the premises.
Existing licence holders, and anyone planning to apply for a new licence should read the 2018 Regulation, and the statutory guidance notes to fully understand the obligations and duties under the new Regulations. To assist the trade, all of these documents are available within this guide.
The Animal welfare (Licensing of activities involving animals) (England) regulations 2018.
Defra guidance
Defra are responsible for creating the new regulation via powers given to them by the Animal Welfare Act 2006. They have provided statutory guidance that the Licensing Authority must have regard to. Each licensable activity has its own specific guidance, and any person wishing to conduct that licensable activity must be able to comply with the minimum standards contained within the relevant document. The links below take you to the updated guidance which came into force on the 1 February 2022, replacing all guidance documents issued previously.
Defra - Riding establishments guidance 2022
Defra - Pet shop guidance 2022
Defra - Keeping or training animals for exhibition guidance 2022
Defra - Doggy day care guidance 2022
Defra - Cat boarding guidance 2022
Defra - Boarding of dogs in kennels guidance 2022
Defra - Home boarding of dogs guidance 2022
Defra - Breeding of dogs guidance 2022
Defra have also provided procedural guidance for licensing officers. This is provided on the link below, and illustrates how the licensing authority will administer and enforce the new regulations.
Defra - Procedural guidance for local authorities
Veterinarian inspection
If you are applying for a new dog breeding licence, or if you are applying for a new or the renewal of a horse hiring activity licence, you will require a veterinarian inspection. In accordance with the guidance issued under the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals)(England) Regulations 2018, the Council must appoint the veterinarian who conducts the inspection of the premises prior to the inspection taking place. Due to this it is essential to receive confirmation of veterinarian appointment from the Licensing Authority prior to any inspection commencing. It is also essential that the veterinarian inspection is booked to take place at the same time as the visit by the Licensing Authority officer. The veterinarian fees must be settled directly with the veterinary practice prior to the inspection taking place.
Animal Welfare Licensing Policy
East Cambridgeshire District Council has produced an animal licensing policy to assist all parties.