You do not need to be sleeping on the street to be homeless.
If you are staying somewhere that is not safe for you because someone has been violent towards you, or you are staying somewhere where you do not have legal rights to stay, you could be considered as homeless.
If you are 16 or 17 and you are homeless you can either contact the children’s social care team at Cambridgeshire County Council or our housing team.
Children’s Social Care team
Contact the Children’s Social Care team at Cambridgeshire County Council.
Address: Cambridgeshire County Council, Noble House, St Thomas's Place, Ely, CB7 4EX
Telephone: 01353 618200
In an emergency they can help find somewhere safe for you to stay the night.
They will do an assessment to see if you are a ‘child in need’ which is a legal term that covers young people too. If they agree you are, they can help you:
- find a place to live and pay for it
- get into training and education
- tackle personal issues like drugs or alcohol abuse
- get an allowance
- get support
Contact the Housing team
Another option is to contact us and arrange an appointment with one of our housing advisers and a social worker.
The reason you will be seen by a social worker as well as a housing adviser is because by law you are still considered a child.
You can take someone you trust with you to this joint assessment.
Bring some identification with you if you can, such as a passport, National Insurance card or birth certificate.
What happens next
The social worker and the housing adviser will try to find ways to help you. Questions they may ask include:
- your name, age and address
- if you have a medical problem or illness and the name of your doctor
- how you became homeless
- whether you have family or friends living locally who can support you even temporary
- your money situation. For example, whether you are at school or college, working or claiming benefits
- whether you have anyone to talk to when you have a problem
Do not be frightened to talk about any issues, difficulties in relationships, drug or alcohol problems or if you have been involved with the Youth Offending Service.
Important: Nothing will be done without your agreement, but you will be told what is or is not available to you.
A joint assessment will be carried out into your circumstances. This may involve:
- contacting your family or the people you are living with to verify the reasons why you cannot return home. If there is no threat of violence wherever possible measures will be put in place so that you can go home
- liaising with your landlord if you are in rented accommodation to try and prevent eviction
- identifying if there is anyone you can stay with while things are sorted out
In circumstances where you are unable to return home, a referral will be made to the Children’s Social Care team at the county council to assess your needs as a minor. This will be done jointly with your housing adviser.
When the assessment is complete you will be given your options. No decisions will be taken without your agreement and consent.
If you cannot stay with anyone else
Children’s Social Care will do their best to find you a place to stay. The accommodation could be in a hostel or supported accommodation, depending on what is available at that time.
Supported housing projects, such as the one run by the CHS Group teach you the skills you need to be able to live on your own, such as how to budget your money, understand a tenancy, set up bills and even help you into work or education.
If we cannot find anything in the area you prefer to be in, you will need to go to other areas outside of the district. The main thing is to have a roof over your head and to keep you as safe as possible.