Alternatively, you can call us on 01353 665555
Please ensure that you include the details below:
- vehicle make, model and colour
- vehicle registration number
- condition of the vehicle including any vandalism
- location of the vehicle
- how long the vehicle has been abandoned
Never enter or even touch an abandoned vehicle - it may have been used in a crime and need to be investigated by the police. Abandoned vehicles can also pose a health and safety risk.
Free take back of old vehicles
Under the End of Life Vehicle Directive, car manufacturers have set up facilities to scrap old cars when they reach the end of their life.
You can deliver your unwanted vehicle to certain sites or arrange for it to be picked up for a nominal fee. Visit the Car Take Back website to find your nearest take back point.
You can also contact DMR Autoparts which provides a free collection service for vehicle owners. This is not a recommendation by the council and other auto-dismantlers are available.
Untaxed vehicles
Report an untaxed vehicle to the DVLA
On average there are 9600 vehicles reported each year in Cambridgeshire, 4100 of which are removed for destruction. These cost Cambridgeshire and Peterborough approximately £300,000 annually.
It is illegal to abandon a vehicle under the Refuse (Disposal) Amenity Act 1978, and if convicted, can cost you up to £2,500 or 3 months in prison. Under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, the council will be able to give fixed penalty notices of £200 to the last registered keeper of a vehicle if they consider that the vehicle has been left abandoned. If this fee is not paid, the council will be able to prosecute the last registered keeper.