Please let us know if you encounter any dog fouling.
Report dog fouling
Once reported, the East Cambs Street Scene team aim to remove it by the end of the next working day.
If there is an area where dog fouling is a problem, please let us know so we can assess to see if any extra bins are needed. We will also add the area to our monitoring list.
Report a dog owner
Report a dog owner
If you witness someone failing to clear up after their dog, please report it. We need you to tell us:
- the name and address of the dog's owner (if known)
- a description of the dog and owner
- car registration (if applicable)
We can investigate, issue warnings or fines and even prosecute people who fail to clear up after their dog, providing you know who that person is, have witnessed the incident and are prepared to give a statement, and possibly go to court.
You must ensure you have actually seen them allow their dog to foul and fail to clear it up. Do not assume that because a person walks the same way each day that it is their dog causing the mess.
Full dog waste bins
If you would like to report a full dog waste bin, please complete our report a full bin form. We aim to empty the bin, once reported, within two working days.
Report a full bin
Public Space Protection Order
Our Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) makes it an offence to allow a dog to foul on public land and not clear up after it. It applies to all public places with the East Cambridgeshire district and includes common land and roadside verges.
A breach of the order is a criminal offence and will result in a fixed penalty notice of £100, or upon summary conviction, a fine of £1000.
For further information, please contact Environmental Services on 01353 665555 or email