Whether you need to travel for education, training, work or leisure, its important you can get from A to B as effectively as possible.
The following webpage can signpost you to the appropriate places for further information.
Public transport
Visit our bus and train services page for more information on public transport, including timetables, student discounts and school transport.
Community support
If you are facing barriers to public transport, either because your area is not served by public transport or for other reasons, please visit our Community Transport in East Cambridgeshire webpage for information on your local transport schemes.
Walking and cycling routes
East Cambridgeshire has extensive walking and cycling networks and being relatively flat makes it a great place to enjoy the countryside!
For details of routes, ideas for days out and organised walks visit our cycling and walking page.
Road safety
Road safety is one of the more important lessons a child or young adult can learn. Whether walking, cycling, or learning how to drive, it is essential that young people are equipped with the knowledge and attitudes to keep them safe while travelling.
Visit the Cambridgeshire County Council road safety website for information on road safety.
Visit the Cambs Drive iQ website for information on learning to drive safely.
E-scooters and e-bikes
It is important that young people know the laws surrounding the use of e-scooters in public places, visit the police's advice on e-scooters webpage to find out more.
If you are 14 or older, you can use an e-bike (as long as it meets certain criteria) anywhere that you can use a push bike, visit the GOV.UK website for information.
Further information
For more information about travel and transport across Cambridgeshire, visit the Cambridgeshire County Council travel and transport webpages.