Sharing your thoughts about where you live, study, and how you spend your free time is a perfect way to make sure that the council can continue to make East Cambridgeshire a positive, safe and nice place to live.
There are many ways that children and young people can get involved, from completing surveys, being part of a focus group, or signing up to local youth networks such as the East Cambs Youth Advisory Board.
Below are some of the ways you can get involved in consultations and engage with local services.
Register of consultees
If you would like the opportunity to get involved in local decision-making, joining the council's register of consultees is a great place to start. By joining the register, you will have the opportunity to give us your views about the decisions we make, and the services we provide. You can join this register on your own, or as part of a group, for example as a youth club. You can choose your areas of interest such as transport, parks and leisure, equalities, disability and more.
Find out more about the consultee register
Complete a council survey
Consultation is an activity that involves asking local people to share their thoughts. Examples of this type of engagement could be a questionnaire about a new addition to a play area, a new safety measure, or just to gather the community’s thoughts on services already in place, to help us decide where and how to make changes.
Find out more about current consultations
Youth Zone survey
We would like to know if and how young people, their parents or carers in the district are using the new Youth Zone webpages. Please help us keep these pages up to date and relevant to children and young people by letting us know your thoughts
Youth Engagement Partnership - The Youth Council
The Youth Engagement Partnership comprises young people and the organisations that support them.
The Youth Council is made up of a group of young people and professionals who meet twice a month to discuss any issues which impact young people.
Each year the Youth Council develops a questionnaire-based consultation which is sent out to schools and on social media. Young people can also sign up to receive this on the website.
Young people can also be a part of interview panels, focus groups, and get involved in meetings.
Visit the Youth Engagement Partnership website to find out more
Cambs Youth Panel
The Cambridgeshire Youth Panel works with local councils and Members of Parliament.
The panel meets once a month and gives advice and guidance on all matters that affect young people to those who make the important decisions in our region.
The Youth Panel are looking for new members aged between 11 and 18. A great way to get involved!
Visit the Cambs Youth Panel website to find out more
Other organisations
Many of the organisations aimed at young people run their own consultations and are continually seeking to engage with individuals, schools or groups of young people.
Some of the organisations are listed below, with links to their own web pages where you will find information about how you can engage and connect with the services that interest you: