Get help
Violence against women and girls is a crime.
Always call 999 in an emergency. If you are unable to talk, stay on the line and press 55 when prompted.
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Safe spaces
There are doctors' surgeries and businesses in East Cambridgeshire that offer rooms as safe spaces for victims of domestic violence.
Walk into any of the locations and ask to use their safe space, the room will contain all the information you need and provide a sanctuary to make relevant calls.
Visitors to our office at The Grange can go in and Ask for Ani, which stands for Assistance Needed Immediately.
You will be shown into a room where trained staff can offer a safe place, help with making essential phone calls and provide support and assistance.
White Ribbon
The mission of White Ribbon is to prevent male violence against women, by addressing the root causes.
White Ribbon's work is preventative - to stop the violence before it starts.
They work with men and boys to challenge those male cultures that lead to harmful attitudes and behaviours around masculinity that continue to cause inequality and violence towards women and girls.
The council has been White Ribbon accredited since 2018 and continues to support their work, to drive forward initiatives to end violence towards women and girls.
Visit the White Ribbon website to find out more.
What is violence against women and girls
Violence against women and girls (VAWG) covers a range of unacceptable and deeply distressing crimes, which can include:
- domestic violence and abuse
- sexual violence and rape
- stalking and harassment
- trafficking of women
- female genital mutilation
- intimidation and harassment at work, in education or in public
- forced prostitution
- forced marriage
- ‘honour’ crimes
If you, or someone you know, is experiencing domestic abuse there is advice and support we can offer you.
You may feel apprehensive or scared of telling someone about what is happening to you, however, there are many organisations who are specialists in helping with domestic abuse and who will be sensitive and understanding. They will be able to help you to stop abuse from continuing to happen.
More information is available on our domestic abuse support webpage.
In addition to harassment and violence in physical public spaces, women and girls are also at risk of harassment and abuse in the online space. Crimes that take place online can have additional considerations, for example, it may be easier for the perpetrator to remain unknown or for them to carry out their abuse from any location.
Violence can affect women and girls regardless of their age, race or religion, their socioeconomic background, sexual orientation or marital status. Violence takes place in every locality across the UK and can happen in relationships, in families, and in communities.
Seek help immediately:
- always call 999 in an emergency. If you are unable to talk, stay on the line and press 55 when prompted.
- if you are not in immediate danger please report by calling 101 or put in an online report to Cambridgeshire Constabulary
- if you hear or see a violent or abusive situation happening, do not turn your back. If it is safe you could try to defuse the situation by intervening. If you feel that may be dangerous, or if you think a person is being hurt or about to be hurt, you should ring the police on 999 immediately
The following organisations can offer support and advice if you have been the victim of violence:
End Violence Against Women
End Violence Against Women is a group of feminist organisations and experts from across the UK, working to end violence against women and girls in all its forms.
End Violence Against Women website.
Cambridge Women's Aid
Cambridge Women's Aid provides dedicated and specialist services to women and children affected by domestic abuse.
It offers:
- information, advice and support online via Live Chat, on Wednesdays 3:00pm to 5:00pm
- safe refuge in Cambridge City
- one to one help for women living in East Cambs
Cambridge Women's Aid website.
Rape Crisis freephone helpline
Rape Crisis England and Wales is the charity working to end sexual violence and abuse.
Telephone: 0808 802 9999
Rape Crisis England and Wales website.
Refuge National Domestic Violence helpline
This 24-hour helpline service provides support, information and a listening ear to women and children experiencing domestic violence. It will also refer male callers who require help to appropriate support groups.
Telephone: 0808 2000 247
Refuge National Domestic Abuse helpline website.
Karma Nirvana
Karma Nirvana offers support for victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriage.
Telephone: 0800 5999 247
Galop - LGBT and anti-violence charity
Galop supports LGBT people who have experienced abuse and violence.
Telephone: 0800 999 5428
Information about Galop and the LGBT and anti-abuse charity.
Childline is a confidential and free online and phone counselling service for those aged under 19 anywhere in the UK, available by phone and online.
Telephone: 0800 1111
For men who are concerned about their own behaviour and violence.
Telephone: 0808 802 4040
What can you do
Stay informed and educate yourself:
- educate yourself about the causes, drivers and consequences of violence against women, learn more about domestic and family violence and sexual violence and help spread that knowledge
- in our technology-saturated world, women are subject to violence through their phone and online, including stalking, control, threats, bullying and image-based abuse both in the context of domestic and family violence, Its important to know how to use technology carefully to help find safety for yourself and others
Respond to someone disclosing violence appropriately:
- if you need to support someone who has disclosed to you the violence inflicted on them, or who has asked you for help, language matters immensely
- whoever it may be, your friend, colleague or family member, respond appropriately and make sure that they feel supported and encouraged to talk to you and seek help, listen and believe
- never dismiss family violence as just a ‘domestic’ or suggest that sexual violence might have been a ‘misunderstanding’
- provide support, sometimes practical assistance such as assisting with shopping or picking children up from school (with proper authorisation) can be of great help, never judge or blame a woman about the violence, regardless of the circumstances or her background
Speak up:
- violence is never okay, challenge practises that condone violence against women and encourage others to speak up, sexist jokes are never okay no matter the circumstances they are told in or the position of a teller
- as a 'bystander' - someone who observes an act of violence, discrimination or other unacceptable or offensive behaviour, you can play a powerful role in preventing and responding to violence against women
- challenge safely where you can, tell your friends sexist jokes are not funny, and challenge them where you safely can if they speak about women in a derogatory way, If you can, confront colleagues whose comments are sexist, blame the victim or minimise issues of violence
- if you are a manager, make sure that everyone in the office is treated fairly and has the chance to reach their potential, don't let your perception of their gender distort your decisions