For a local group to be able to nominate land it will have to:
- demonstrate that its activities are wholly or partly concerned with East Cambridgeshire or with a neighbouring authority (an authority which shares a boundary with East Cambridgeshire)
- evidence that it has a qualifying local connection to the asset
Who can nominate assets
Assets can be nominated for inclusion on our list of Assets of Community Value by:
Parish or town councils
Any parish or town council within the borders of East Cambridgeshire can nominate an asset in their parish to East Cambridgeshire District Council
Unincorporated groups
Nominations can be accepted from any unincorporated group with membership of at least 21 local people who appear on the electoral roll within the local authority area, or a neighbouring local authority
Neighbourhood Forums
As described in Section 61F of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Community interest groups
With one of the following structures:
- a charity
- a community interest company
- a company limited by guarantee that is non-profit distributing
- an industrial and provident society that is non-profit distributing
How to nominate an asset
You can email us at or write to us at Leisure and Community Services, East Cambridgeshire District Council, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, Cambs, CB7 4EE.
What happens following a nomination
The council will decide whether the building or land should be included on the list of Assets of Community Value within 8 weeks of receiving the nomination.
Once information received on the nomination form has been considered we will notify the following organisations of the outcome:
- the parish or town council
- the owner of the land
- any freeholders or leaseholders
- any lawful occupant of the land and
- the ward councillor(s)
If the nomination is successful, we will:
- register the asset as an Asset of Community Value on the Local Land Charges Register and if the land is registered, register a restriction against the Land Registry title
- notify the organisation which originally nominated the asset of the outcome
- notify the organisation which originally nominated the asset if the asset is subsequently removed from the list following a review of the decision
If the application is unsuccessful we will notify the organisation which originally nominated the asset, together with reasons why.
There is no right of review included within the Localism Act provisions for a community interest group, against a decision not to include an asset on the list.