Our completed actions

Since June 2020, we have annually targeted achieving a set of Top 20 Actions for the coming year. We set out a flavour below of what we have achieved so far.  

In 2019/20 we:

  • declared a climate emergency, and began our journey to reduce carbon emissions and reverse the decline in nature
  • we started to collect detailed data on what the council's emissions are, so we could target our actions effectively

In 2020/21 we:

  • moved our electricity contract to 100% renewable energy supply  
  • replaced our entire street and car parking lights to low energy LED lighting  
  • adopted two new planning policy documents, covering climate change and the natural environment, so that new developments in East Cambridgeshire could be more environmentally friendly than ever before  
  • undertook energy audits of our buildings, so we could commission energy efficiency improvements  
  • started a programme of staff training to embed environmental thinking into all the services we undertake 

In 2021/22 we:  

  • helped 10 local schools commence their journey to Eco-Charter status  
  • implemented new grass cutting and wildflower management on our parks and open spaces, with fabulous results arising  
  • installed energy efficiency measures in our own buildings, helping to reduce our energy use  
  • started a multi-million pound programme of retrofit improvements to people's homes  

In 2022/23 we:  

  • achieved bronze level Investors in the Environment accreditation, the first council in Cambridgeshire to do so  
  • installed PV Solar Panels across our E-Space North office building at Littleport, targeting at least a 50% reduction in grid electricity usage and aiming to halve its electricity bill  
  • reduced our paper use by 35%  
  • committed to shift our fleet vehicles, such as our refuse collection lorries, away from diesel fuel to much more environmentally friendly vegetable oil  
  • installed 24 electric vehicle charging points, across three separate public car parks  
  • helped create, through a free tree give-away programme, 28 new community orchards right across East Cambridgeshire  

In 2023/24 we:  

  • awarded over £60,000 towards 18 community nature projects, under our Pride of Place grant scheme  
  • committed to long term hedgehog recovery, following a public vote
  • gave away 75 oak trees to communities to mark the King's Coronation  
  • trialled using hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) fuel in our refuse collection vehicles  
  • reduced our paper use by a further third compared with the previous year  
  • commenced carbon literacy training for all staff  
  • saved £14,000 in electricity bills and 7 tonnes of carbon emissions in the first year of using our newly installed solar panels at E-Space North  
  • achieved silver level Investors in the Environment accreditation  

Detailed Monitoring Reports

From 2024, we have started to produce a detailed annual monitoring report. Each report sets out how well we did at meeting our Top 20 targets from the previous year.

The report also provides a detailed breakdown of the council's carbon emissions, the district's carbon emissions, and Cambridgeshire's emissions as a whole.

Actions underway  

If you want to know what actions and activities are underway or planned for the current year, please visit our environment plans and actions page