Making money go further Ideas on how to make your money go further, from switching energy suppliers and prioritising bills to ways to save money on food and appliances. Heating and energy Energy grants, reducing your energy bills and renewable energy scheme. Reduce your energy bills This page provides information about energy rebates and energy bill support schemes. Keep warm and well in winter Information and guidance on the best ways to keep warm and well in winter. Food banks Information on food banks, advice on accessing free school meals and healthy start vouchers, plus advice from Real Food Wythenshawe on how to cook up tasty healthier meals on a budget. Community Hubs Guidance on Community Hubs and where they are located in East Cambridgeshire. Waste reduction How to reduce your waste.
Making money go further Ideas on how to make your money go further, from switching energy suppliers and prioritising bills to ways to save money on food and appliances.
Reduce your energy bills This page provides information about energy rebates and energy bill support schemes.
Keep warm and well in winter Information and guidance on the best ways to keep warm and well in winter.
Food banks Information on food banks, advice on accessing free school meals and healthy start vouchers, plus advice from Real Food Wythenshawe on how to cook up tasty healthier meals on a budget.