Ely West: HI1

Disabled parking is available in the St Mary's Street car park. Access to the polling station is via the gate in the back wall.


Abbots Way, Althorpe Court, Appleby Park, Arundell, Bakers Corner, Beald Way, Benedict Street, Bernard Street, Chapel Street, Chiefs Street, Christopher Tye Close, Columbine Road, Cromwell Court, Cromwell Road, Dalton Way, Downham Road, Dunstan Street, Egremont Street, Elmfield, Fairfax Court, Falcon Mews, Fieldside, Fleetwood, Goldsmith Court, Herons Close, Hills Lane, John Amner Close, Kent Close, Little Lane, Little London Gardens, Lynn Road (3-105 odds), Mallow Close, Mayfield Close, Meldon Place, Merlin Drive, Moore Court, Northwold, Priests Meadow Court, Priors Court, Ravens Court, Ribe Court, Robins Close, Saxon Close, St Andrew's Way, St Audrey's Way, St Catherine's, St Ethelwold's Close, St Mary's Street (2-90 evens), St Ovin's Green, Teasel Drive, The Paddock, Trinity Close, Upherds Lane, Vince's Court, Walsingham Way, West End, West End Mews, West Fen Road (Not 161 & 163), Wren's Close. 



Ely Methodist Church
Chapel Street
United Kingdom