Public question time

Most, but not all of our meetings are included in the public question time scheme.

Public questions or statements are welcomed on any topic related to the our functions as long as there is no suspicion that they are improper (for example: offensive, slanderous or might lead to disclosures of exempt or confidential information). Up to 15 minutes is allocated for this at the start of the meeting.

To ask your question or make your statement please come along to the appropriate meeting, write your question or statement on one of the pads provided before the start of the meeting and put it in the Question Box. 

You can also send your question or statement to democratic services at in advance of the meeting for a democratic services officer to put in the Question Box on your behalf.

The questions will be selected randomly from the box, one at a time.  If you have submitted a question and are present at the meeting you will be asked to read the question out, if you wish. The chairman may answer directly or refer it to an officer to answer. If the question needs a more detailed answer then a written reply will be provided later. 

Any questions remaining at the end of the allocated public question time will receive a written answer.